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匹配条件: “Hamelin Nicolas” ,找到相关结果约8212条。
Winning FIFA World Cup Bids: Country Image Analysis as a Tool to Understand and Secure Bids. A Moroccan Case Study.
Hamelin Nicolas,Bachleda Catherine,Saiagh Oumnia
International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation & Tourism , 2012,
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to apply country image analysis to understanding and securing a successful host country FIFA bid with Morocco as a case study. Country image was conceptualized as having cognitive and personality dimensions. The findings revealed the most salient elements upon which Morocco’s country image is built and provide a strong foundation for any future world cup bidding committee to promote or reposition perceptual aspects of Morocco’s country image.
Comparative analysis of secreted protein evolution using expressed sequence tags from four poplar leaf rusts (Melampsora spp.)
David L Joly, Nicolas Feau, Philippe Tanguay, Richard C Hamelin
BMC Genomics , 2010, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-11-422
Abstract: We generated cDNA libraries from four poplar leaf rust pathogens (Melampsora spp.) and used computational approaches to identify and annotate putative secreted proteins with the aim of uncovering new knowledge about the nature and evolution of the rust secretome. While more than half of the predicted secretome members encoded lineage-specific proteins, similarities with experimentally characterized fungal effectors were also identified. A SAGE analysis indicated a strong stage-specific regulation of transcripts encoding secreted proteins. The average sequence identity of putative secreted proteins to their closest orthologs in the wheat stem rust Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici was dramatically reduced compared with non-secreted ones. A comparative genomics approach based on homologous gene groups unravelled positive selection in putative members of the secretome.We uncovered robust evidence that different evolutionary constraints are acting on the rust secretome when compared to the rest of the genome. These results are consistent with the view that these genes are more likely to exhibit an effector activity and be involved in coevolutionary arms races with host factors.Rust fungi or Pucciniales (= Uredinales) represent the largest group of fungal plant pathogens, including more than 7000 species that possess the most complex life cycles in the Kingdom Fungi [1]. Some of these obligate biotrophs have been of long standing concern for agriculture and forestry while others have emerged in recent epidemics. For instance, poplar leaf rusts belonging to the genus Melampsora are considered as the world's most important disease of poplars [2]. Selection for durable resistance to these pathogens is thus an important challenge for poplar breeders [3]. Although poplar breeding programs have been in place for decades in Europe, clones selected for complete resistance against rust have increasingly succumbed in time to new races of Melampsora larici-populina [4]. Sustainabili
Genome-enhanced detection and identification of fungal pathogens responsible for pine and poplar rust diseases
Don Stewart,Marie-Josée Bergeron,Nicolas Feau,Philippe Tanguay,Richard C. Hamelin
- , 2019, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210952
To and the construction of endpoints
Lise Hamelin
Studii de Lingvistica , 2012,
Abstract: In this paper, a monosemic utterer-centred approach to the analysis of English prepositions is advocated. More accurately, three different uses of the English preposition to, in which this marker participates in the construction of an endpoint, for instance, a result or a consequence, are examined. The hypothesis defended here is that to is the trace of an operation of location between two terms. I will try to highlight the properties of those terms so as to grasp the nature ofthe operation of location marked by to. To do so, the tools developedin the theoretical setting of the Theory of Enunciative Operations will be referred to.
Guy Hamelin
Philósophos : Revista de Filosofia , 2011, DOI: 10.5216/phi.v16i1.15592
Abstract: O VIIo Colóquio de História da Filosofia Medieval, realizado em novembro de 2009 em Brasília, foi dedicado ao tema: “Argumenta o e interpreta o na Filosofia Medieval”. Na ocasi o, sete medievalistas brasileiros e estrangeiros encontraram-se para apresentar seu trabalho e discutir o assunto. O encontro foi possível gra as à ajuda financeira do Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade de Brasília e da CAPES. Aproveitamos o espa o para agradecê-los. Apresentamos, no presente número temático, seis artigos ligados direta ou indiretamente a essa quest o.
Guy Hamelin
Philósophos : Revista de Filosofia , 2011, DOI: 10.5216/phi.v16i1.12437
Abstract: Na sua obra, Pedro Abelardo (1079-1142) destaca duas no es metafísicas que fundamentam sua teoria lógica: o status e o dictum propositionis, ao causar, respectivamente, a imposi o (impositio) dos termos universais e o valor de verdade das proposi es. Trata-se de express es que se referem a naturezas ontológicas peculiares, na medida em que n o s o consideradas coisas (res), mesmo que constituem causas. Todavia, também n o s o nada. Abelardo as chama de ‘quase coisas’ (quasi res). No presente artigo, explicamos, primeiro, essas duas no es essenciais da lógica abelardiana, antes de tentar, em seguida, encontrar a fonte dessa metafísica particular. Em oposi o a comentadores importantes da lógica de Abelardo, que estimam que haja uma forte influência plat nica sobre essa concep o específica, defendemos antes, com apoio de textos significativos e de acordo com o nominalismo abelardiano, que a maior ascendência sobre a metafísica do nosso autor é a do estoicismo, sobretudo, antigo. In his work, Peter Abelard (1079-1142) highlights two metaphysical notions, which sustain his logical theory: the status and the dictum propositionis, causing respectively both the imposition (impositio) of universal terms and the thuth-value of propositions. Both expressions refer to peculiar ontological natures, in so far as they are not considered things (res), even if they constitute causes. Nevertheless, neither are they ‘nothing’. Abelard calls them ‘quasi-things’ (quasi res). In the present article, we expound first these two essential notions of Abelardian logic before then trying to find the source of this particular metaphysics. Contrary to some important commentators of Abelard’s logic, who consider there to be a strong Platonic influence in this specific conception, we maintain instead, with support from significant texts and in accordance with Abelardian nominalism, that the main ancestry of the metaphysics of our author is principally that ancient stoicism.
As fontes aristotélicas e estóicas em abelardo: a no o de “consentimento” (consensus – sugkata/qesij) = Aristotelian and stoic sources in Abelard: the notion of “consent” (consensus – sugkata/qesij)
Hamelin, Guy
Veritas , 2010,
Abstract: A concep o da falta moral em Pedro Abelardo (1079- 1142) contém um elemento fundamental de natureza estóica. Trata-se da no o de “consentimento” (consensus). Após a apresenta o do essencial dessa teoria abelardiana, remontamos à fonte dessa ideia no estoicismo antigo e da época imperial. Segundo os seus principais representantes, o “consentimento” ou o “assentimento” (sugkata/qesij) tem uma fun o determinante n o somente na ética, mas também no processo de conhecimento. Frisamos de passagem a semelhan a entre componentes importantes da gnosiologia estóica e a teoria exposta por Aristóteles nos Segundos analíticos acerca da origem do conhecimento. Agostinho constitui sem dúvida um dos principais intermediários, pelos quais essa no o de consentimento chega até Abelardo no século 12. Ainda que seja influenciado pelo Bispo de Hipona sobre as quest es morais em geral, Abelardo parece se distanciar dele, ao considerar que o consentimento releva mais da raz o que da vontade. Peter Abelard’s (1079-1142) conception of moral sin contains a fundamental element from Stoicism, which is the notion of “consent” (consensus). After the presentation of the essentials of that Abelardian theory, we return to the source of that same idea in ancient and imperial Stoicism. According to their main representatives, “consent” or “assent” (sugkata/qesij) has a determining function not only in ethics, but also in the process of knowledge as well. We emphasize in passing the resemblance between some important components of Stoic epistemology and the theory expounded by Aristotle in the Posterior Analytics on the origin of knowledge. Augustine represents without any doubt one of the main intermediaries through whom this notion of consent is transmitted up to the time of Abelard in the 12th century. Even if he was influenced by the Bishop of Hippo on moral questions in general, Abelard seems to distance himself from Augustine by considering that consent is more a rational matter than a volitional one.
Le déploiement du contr le sanction automatisé en France avec une mise en perspective européenne
Fabrice Hamelin
Atelier du Centre de Recherches Historiques , 2008, DOI: 10.4000/acrh.713
Abstract: Le récent déploiement d’un système de contr le sanction automatisé (CSA) de la vitesse constitue l’innovation la plus marquante de la politique de sécurité routière en France et cela d’autant plus que la révolution technologique s’accompagne d’innovations juridiques et administratives conséquentes. Pour autant, l’analyse des modalités de déploiement du CSA met à jour des archa smes troublants. Le CSA peut bien incarner le triomphe de la modernité technologique et de l’efficacité politique, y compris par rapport aux autres pays européens, l’analyse établit que sur plusieurs aspects, en recourant au CSA, on invente une machine à remonter le temps politico-administratif. Le CSA prolonge un style de gouvernement qui appara t dépassé ou en perte de légitimé. Il faut alors faire un détour par les usages locaux et les compromis offerts par le recours au CSA pour comprendre l’acceptation dont bénéficie cet instrument. Since 2003, France implemented a speed cameras system to cover its national road network, that increased surveillance of road users. The deployment of automated enforcement system in France constitutesa major change in road safety-related public action. It is of course a technical revolution with significant juridical and administrative changes. Yet this paper shows that it constitutes also a sort of administrative counter-revolution, which means a re-centralization of state public action in this domain and which grows distance between administrations and users. So it is necessary to study local implementation to understand public and professional acceptance of this new instrument of road
Vontade (boulesis) e consentimento (sunkatathesis) em Aristóteles e Abelardo: atos do apetite (orexis) ou da raz o (logos)?
Guy Hamelin
DoisPontos , 2010,
Abstract: The central question raised in the present article concerns the ontological nature of the intentional act, previous to the proper moral action, in Aristotle's and Abelard'a thinking. More precisely, we examine two subjects indirectly interconnected. First, we treat the secular problem of the exact nature of will (bouêsis) in Aristotle, which certainly refers to a rational act (logikos), the source of which is, however, the appetite (orexis). The second point is related to the notion of consent (consensus) in Abelard, which also raises the question of its voluntary or rational ontological character. Both topics are connected in so far as the Abelardian consent is similar to the Aristotelian idea of choice (prohairesis), and particulary to thaqt of the Stoic assent (sunkatathesis), and not, as some commentators believe, to the Augustinian notion of will as a free and spontaneous act. This identification of the Abelardian consent with the Augustine's will comes from a confusion, which is more terminological and perspectival than interpretative.
Chromosomal Instability in Near-Diploid Colorectal Cancer: A Link between Numbers and Structure
Martine Muleris, Alexandra Chalastanis, Nicolas Meyer, Marick Lae, Bernard Dutrillaux, Xavier Sastre-Garau, Richard Hamelin, Jean-Francois Fléjou, Alex Duval
PLOS ONE , 2008, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0001632
Abstract: Chromosomal instability (CIN) plays a crucial role in tumor development and occurs mainly as the consequence of either missegregation of normal chromosomes (MSG) or structural rearrangement (SR). However, little is known about the respective chromosomal targets of MSG and SR and the way these processes combined within tumors to generate CIN. To address these questions, we karyotyped a consecutive series of 96 near-diploid colorectal cancers (CRCs) and distinguished chromosomal changes generated by either MSG or SR in tumor cells. Eighty-three tumors (86%) presented with chromosomal abnormalities that contained both MSGs and SRs to varying degrees whereas all 13 others (14%) showed normal karyotype. Using a maximum likelihood statistical method, chromosomes affected by MSG or SR and likely to represent changes that are selected for during tumor progression were found to be different and mostly mutually exclusive. MSGs and SRs were not randomly associated within tumors, delineating two major pathways of chromosome alterations that consisted of either chromosome gains by MSG or chromosomal losses by both MSG and SR. CRCs showing microsatellite instability (MSI) presented with either normal karyotype or chromosome gains whereas MSS (microsatellite stable) CRCs exhibited a combination of the two pathways. Taken together, these data provide new insights into the respective involvement of MSG and SR in near-diploid colorectal cancers, showing how these processes target distinct portions of the genome and result in specific patterns of chromosomal changes according to MSI status.

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